Michael Lanphere: An Inspirational Legacy

Welcome to seeing through my eyes! One of my sons, Mike, died of Burkitt lymphoma. Creating these cards is my way of processing grief, and hopefully saving lives through the Lymphoma Research Foundation.
From teaching snowboarding flips in the sky to thrilling people with the whitewater rafting trip of their lives, Mike’s passion for adventure, and his will to push himself inspires many. He reminds us to live life to the fullest, and always be a warrior. He fought to the very last breath.

Mike was coloring this while in treatment. He didn’t get to finish it. Mike’s Coloring is Card #0 because it inspired me to start selling cards to benefit the Lymphoma Research Foundation.
His creative, adventurous spirit lives on! Together, we can team up against Lymphoma and assist researchers in the fight for a cure.
All cards are made from original paintings and photos.
They cost $5 each plus postage.
All proceeds go to the Lymphoma Research Foundation.

“You dance inside my chest, where no one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.”
– Rumi
Our Cards

How do I order cards?
It’s simple!
1. Copy the Card Name & Card Number
2. Click ‘Place an Order‘ in the navigation bar
3. Paste the Card Name & Card Number into the Form
4. Repeat the Copy + Paste process until all the desired cards are included
5. Submit Your Order
6. I take it from there!
Important!!! Be sure to include the correct card’s number and card name.
Place Your Order!
Complete this form by copy and pasting the Card Numbers and Card Names and I will be in touch through email!
How to Pay
Click the button below to go through the donation’s payment process.
Thank you for exploring my site and helping a great cause.
– Aimee Lanphere